Please consullt the navigation pane under "Events" to locate dedicated information pages for each of the following SDMC events:
SDMC Opening Events
Fall San Diego Math League Contest (SDML I) [ SDMC members only ]
Fall ARML Power Contest (ARML Power I) [ SDMC members only ]
AMC 10/12 A
AMC 10/12 B
F=ma Exam
Winter San Diego Math League Contest (SDML II) [ SDMC members only ]
Caltech Harvey Mudd Math Competition (CHMMC)
American Invitaitonal Mathematics Examination I (AIME I) [ invitation only ]
American Invitaitonal Mathematics Examination II (AIME II) [ invitation only ]
United States of America (Junior) Olymipiad (USAMO & USAJMO) [ invitation only ]
San Diego Math Olympiad (SDMO) [ invitation only ]
United States of America Physics Olympiad Semifinal [ invitation only ]