The United States of America Mathematical Olympiad (USA(J)MO)
Details not yet available.
The USA(J)MO is an invitation-only competition with admission based on qualifying scores on the AMC 10 or 12 and AIME. Unlike prior tiers of the AMC series, the USA(J)MO is a very challenging proof-based exam in which the "answer" contributes only a small part of one's score.
The USA(J)MO is demanding, with a total exam period of 9 hours spread over two school days. Besides being challenging for the students, the staffing and space demands of the USA(J)MO are sometimes a challenge for a student's school to meet. For such reasons, SDMC in cooperation with UCSD is authorized by the USA(J)MO to provide a centralized administration of the exam for any San Diego area students who qualify, whether they qualfied with SDMC or with an area school. There are no fees for the USA(J)MO, UCSD donates the use of space, and SDMC stages the exam as a community service.
Qualifying USA(J)MO students who wish to participate in SDMC's USA(J)MO session - and their teachers - should contact the SDMC Director so that appropriate arrangements can be made. Unfortunately, the timeline from the announcement of USA(J)MO qualifiers to the actual USAMO exam is quite short, so it is helpful to develop contacts ahead of the actual announcement so that contingent planning can be done, especially arranging for appropriate space.
Students who qualify for the USA(J)MO must file their form S-III, "Student/Parent Response Form" with the national office regardless of where they take the USA(J)MO. Teachers, however, do not have to file any of the forms T-II (acknowledgement) or T-III (certification) if their students take the USA(J)MO with SDMC; SDMC will handle all of the teacher paperwork from beginning to end on the teachers' behalf. The record of each student who takes the USA(J)MO through SDMC remains identified with his/her home school; SDMC acts only as a facilitator and proctor.