2023 World Mathematics Team Championship

November 24-28, plus travel

Promo Video!

The 2023 World Mathematics Team Championship will return to in-person administration this year and will be held in Seoul, South Korea.  WMTC is an international event, drawing students from six continents (all but Antarctica).  The overall event consists of a mathematics competition, cultural excursions, and interaction among students from around the world.

Lodging, food, and excursions fall within a package fee including all but travel costs; the individual cost of travel must be borne by each family.  Advance planning for travel is especially important!

The 2022 WMTC administered by SDMC is NOT limited to SDMC members.  This event is open to any US-based student.


November 24 – All Day: Airport Arrival Pickups/Registration

November 25 – Coaches/Proctors meeting

Competition (1 pm – 5 pm) Songdo Conventia

Grading (After dinner – Howard Johnson Hotel)

November 26 – Tour all day

Gift Exchange (after dinner)

Organizing Committee Meeting (late in evening)

November 27 – Morning: Award Ceremony and luncheon (11 am – 1 pm)

Afternoon: COEX – Gangnam District

Evening: Back to Hotel

November 28 – Breakfast in hotel/Departure

Division Structure

WMTC is structured in three divisions, Advanced, Intermediate, and Junior.  These divisions are defined by birthdate,  not by school grade level or SDMC ability group.  This is because school systems around the world organize grade levels differently, so it is difficult to sort students fairly that way.

Junior Level – For participants born in or after 2011.

Intermediate Level – For participants born within 2008-2010, inclusive.

Advanced Level – For participants who are not yet high school graduates and who were born within 2005-2007.

It is permissable for younger students to participate in a higher division, but not in the reverse. 

Contest Structure

WMTC combines three event types, Individual, Team, and Relay, each bearing resemblance to the similarly named events of the US ARML competition.  (There is no "Power Round" in WMTC owing to the difficulty in judging full solutions in international competition.)

Individual - The individual round has two parts, a 20-minute segment with 15 fast-paced problems and a 40-minute segment of 8 more challenging problems.

Team - at the in-person WMTC, teams of six students work together to solve the team problems in 40 minutes.  

Relay - A WMTC relay consists of two interrelated  problems A and B, the solution to B depending on the answer to A.  Teammember A solves problem A and passes the answer to teammeber B, who then uses that answer to produce the final solution of B.  

Signing up

Please use the link below to access our Google Form now being used to sign up for discrete events like WMTC.  Use the drop down menu to select WTMC as your signup event and then complete the rest of the form as directed.  In the field provided for Event-Specific Information, please provide your birthdate (which will determine your division) and whether you wish to try the next-higher division as well.

Click here to go to the signup form.