San Diego Math Teachers' Circle

SDMC collaborates with the Art of Problem Solving and local educators to support the San Diego Math Teachers' Circle, a program similar in conception to student math circles, but with the aim of making creative problem-solving math experiences of professional relevance available to San Diego area math teachers.

SDMTC is not affiliated with any school or school district and is open to teachers from public schools, private schools, or home schools. Leaders of teachers' circle activities will be mathematics professionals drawn from the diverse higher education and science and technology enterprises to be found in the San Diego area. Initially, activities will be led by the math professionals of the Art of Problems Solving.

While math teachers' circles aim ultimately to benefit the quality of math education in classrooms, SDMTC does not aim at professional development per se. Rather, we aim to provide problem solving experiences that are interesting and stimulating for teachers themselves and trust teachers to interpret how to communicate creative problem solving strategies to their students.

SDMTC activities will take place on the second Saturday of each month from October through March, concurrant with the regular Saturday morning activities of the student math circle. Meetings will take place on the Muir Campus of UCSD, in room B412 of the Applied Physics and Mathematics building. Specific details regarding time, place, and program can be found at SDTMC's own website at the link below.