F=ma Physics
Our STEM Sunday track is "under construction" due to Covid.
F=ma Physics probably WILL happen, with details to be announced.
Please check back later
This series of classes will address calculus-based upper-level high school physics with an eye toward the F=ma exam in late January, the base tier of the US Physics Olympiad. This subject matters is comparable top AP Physics C: Mechanics, but will be topical in character and will attempt to connect physics fundamentals with problems solving as will be experienced in the F=ma.
Beginning at the high school level, physics is revealed to be a discipline. Besides appreciating the many facts of physical science, the underlying structure of physics comes to be explored. Instruction will freely use calculus as the fundamental language of physics. Accordingly, it is set of classes is not appropriate for middle school students.
The series will begin in October, but the classes will not generally be on consecutive Sundays; participating students will need to pay attention to the SDMC Master Calendar.
Your instructor for these classes is Jacob Saret, a UCSD Physics graduate student who has introduced classes of this nature to our students last season.
Sign up!
Please copy/paste the following signup template into an email message, providing the requested information:
Event Name: F=ma Physics
SDMC ID Code: (non-members who leave this blank)
Student Name:
School Name:
School Grade:
Student Email:
Parent Name:
Parent Email:
Home Phone:
Event-specific info: Please summarize your preparation in terms of math and physics
Paste the completed signup template into the body of an email message and send to:
signups@sdmathcircle.org or sdmcsignups@gmail.com
(both collect at the same place)