Please remember to leverage your contribution, if possible, through your company's charitable giving and community involvement programs. Such programs vary from company to company, but include such possibilities as corporate matching of employee contributions, grants based on employee volunteerism, or even the donation of services or items of value that can be used by the circle directly or as prizes for contests.
SDMC is certified by the IRS as 501(c)(3) public charity. Individuals or companies can verify this status online using the IRS' exempt organizations "select check" tool. We are in a phase of establishing approved matching relationships with local companies. Since each company's policies and procedures are their own, this is a step-by-step, company-by-company development and is driven by the efforts of individual employees who are willing to utilize their own company's programs to support SDMC.
At this time, employee contribution matching has been successfully established with the following local companies:
-- Being updated ---
Examples of such companies and programs in our local area are:
Qualcomm - corporate matching of employee contributions.
Pfizer - grants based on employee volunteerism.
Sempra Energy - corporate matching of employee contributions and grants based on employee volunteerism. Employees can call Community Relations & Corporate Events (877) SEMPRA 9, for more information.
Cardinal Health - corporate matching of employee contributions and grants based on employee volunteerism.
Hewlett-Packard - corporate matching of employee contributions, donations of products
Verizon - corporate matching of employee contributions and grants based on employee volunteerism.
Wal-Mart - grants based on employee volunteerism.
The E.W. Scripps Company - corporate matching of employee contributions and grants based on employee volunteerism.
Motorola - U.S. matching gift program.