Winter ARML Power Contest
Window: February 18 - March 5; specific date TBA
Winter ARML Power Contest (ARML Power II)
Details TBA
Location: TBA
The ARML Power Contest is a national team-based competition administered locally. It is modelled after the "power round" of the American Regions Mathematics League held in June of each year. In the power round, a team is given a slate of problems designed around a common theme. The problems are to be solved in Olympiad fashion, meaning that full solutions are to be submitted - not just answers - and those solutions are judged in their entirety, considering qualities such as completeness, clarity, effectiveness of argument, and even elegance as well as the correctness of the final answer.
Who should participate? The ARML Power Contest is best-suited for students having some mathematical maturity, some experience in writing proofs, and an ability to work productively with others.
Teams are not pre-set; however, it is expected that organization will resemble that of ARML teams.