USA Physics Olympiad Semi-Final
USAPhO Semi-Final
The AAPT has tentatively postponed the 2020 USAPhO Semi-Final from April 2 to April 28.
There is no certainty at this time that the 28th will stand as an alternate date.
We will post revised information when such becomes available.
Date: Thursday, April 2, 2020
Arrive: 6:00pm subject to change
Exam: 6:15pm - 9:15pm subject to change
Room: Location TBA
Note that the AAPT now requires that this exam be administered on April 2; there is no choice of date. Owing to space constraints at UCSD, we must administer the exam in the evening, beginning at 6:00pm
SDMC is authorized by the American Association of Physics Teachers as a higher education site for the US Physics Olympiad. This means that we will be authorized to administer the exam for any San Diego area students who do not have any other way to participate.
This second stage of the US Physics Olympiad sequence is the semi-final exam. Students must qualify for this competition by obtaining a qualifying score on the F=ma exam in January. The top 400 to 500 students on the F=ma exam will be invited to take the semi-final.
The semi-final is a free response exam and may require the use of derivatives or simple integration. The exam covers all topics in introductory physics: Mechanics, E&M, Thermodynamics and Fluids, Relativity, Nuclear and Atomic Physics, and Waves and Optics. Part A consists of 4 problems in 90 minutes. Part B consists of 2 problems in 90 minutes.
Parents are cautioned that PARKING IS NOT FREE anywhere on the UCSD at any time during the time period of the USAPhO. Moreover, owing to extensive construction going in in the vicinity of the APM Building, there is no parking at all available near the exam location. Families should plan either i) for curbside drop-off and pick-up along Muir Lane, or ii) to park at a more remote lot and have a significant walk - allow plenty of time. Please consult the UCSD maps tool to plan your visit: