Saturday Class Schedule
This page refers to in-person activity scheduling that is currently suspended owing to pandemic restrictions. This will be updated as in-person activities resume in the future.
All Saturday classes meet in parallel sessions according to the following approximate schedule:
With the rare exception of combined events, ability groups meet in different classrooms, each with its own instructor and parent volunteers. The classrooms are not always the same, so we do not post that information here.
Thanks to normally-cooperative weather, the typical SDMC morning begins with students and some parents gathering in a common area near the classrooms. Any announcements or last-minute room changes are dealt with at that time, after which students are dismissed to their respective classrooms.
The calendar of SDMC classes and events can be browsed and/or printed from the links at left. Bear in mind that it is normal for this calendar to evolve, particularly early in the season, and that not every class meets each week. We advise checking the online schedule late each week to catch any last-minute changes.